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what to expect

Whether it's your first time floating, or you're a pro, we want to be sure you're comfortable and ready to maximize your experience.

before your appointment

Avoid stimulants.

Caffeine and nicotine can provide a burst of energy that makes it harder to relax in the float room. Avoid drugs and alcohol too.

Eat a little.

A growling stomach will be distracting, but also try to avoid eating a heavy meal so you don't feel sluggish. Light meals and snacks are great!

Dress down.

Be comfortable. You'll be asked to remove all cosmetics, body lotions, oils, etc, so no need to apply them before your appointment.

Pack light.

We try to provide the basics. If you have plans after your appointment, bring any personal care products and use our stocked "ready room".

arriving at Sukhino

Leave early.

Please arrive about 10 minutes before your scheduled time so we can provide a thorough orientation. You may even want to sit in our lounge to relax for a few minutes before you enter your float suite.



You may park on Holy Trinity Street, across from our door (except on Thursday mornings), or in the parking lot behind The Kula Center building. If those options are full, you can park on Market Street. 


No shoes.

We ask you to remove your shoes at the reception area to keep the center as clean as possible. We provide cozy, non-slip socks to keep your feet warm, but you're welcome to bring a clean pair of your own.


Expect nothing.

We will guide you through the "need-to-know" information when you arrive. We can't tell you exactly what to expect though, because the experience of floating is often different for each person.



watch this!

Float Orientation

how to float

Guests often ask about the most comfortable position in which to float. We can't really answer that. It's different for each person, and it's often different from float to float, day to day, depending on how your body feels. BUT... we can give you some ideas. Here are just a few to get you started!

Which one are you.png

after your float


Take a few minutes in our lounge to bask in the float glow. Have some water or hot tea. Jot a note in the post-float journal. Give yourself the gift of moving slowly and mindfully before you rush back to "the real world".

Get ready.

If you need to "get ready" before you leave, take your time in our Ready Room. We provide a hair dryer, curling iron and wands, flat iron, combs, spray deodorant, and a few other body and skincare products.


Visit the other services in Kula Center upstairs, or shop in our boutique, where we've stocked a few favorite items to help you continue self-care at home. You'll find epsom salts, CBD oil, and more.


Drink water.

It's perfectly normal to feel a bit dehydrated after a float.

Be sure to load up on H20 throughout the remainder of your day. 

Then try to take it easy and prolong those floaty vibes.


still have questions?

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