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We believe in practicing daily gratitude, so this little rewards program is our way of saying "thank you".

(Originally, we thought we'd just reach out to each of you everyday to say it, but our focus group said that'd be creepy and annoying, so this is the next best thing.)

Earning Rewards

You'll automatically earn rewards based on specific activities you complete, and you don't even have to sign up to get it started. Of course, you can opt out of the Salty Rewards program anytime by logging into your account and turning it off (under the Profile Overview), but that's sort of like telling your sweet grandmother "no thank you" when she bakes your favorite pie...


Just a note... rewards are subject to change or be cancelled at any time without notice. We try to be decent humans who do the right thing though, so hopefully you'll always love those changes. Another note... some categories do have caps, so once you max out in a category, you won't rack up any more until the next month or year, depending on the item. 




Just for giving us your email, BOOM. Points.



happy birthday!

Make sure you enter your birthday on your client profile, and ta-da! Points for you!



Refer a Friend

If your friend mentions your name when they sign up, you'll slide up a bit on the leaderboard!



Friend buys a pass

If a friend you referred buys any pass to attend floats or salt caves, you'll earn even more!




Yep. Schedule online or using our app, and we'll toss some points your way.



1 service/month

Attend a float or salt cave session in a month, and tuck these points into your stash.



2 service/week

Attend more than one float or salt cave session in a week, and sprinkle your rewards with a little bonus.



2 services/month

Double up and attend 2 services in a month, and we'll toss an ADDITIONAL round your way.



3 services/month

If you make it in for 3 floats or salt cave sessions, or any combo thereof, you'll earn ANOTHER pack 'o points.



4 services/month

If you really take care of yourself throughout the month, we'll take care of you.



5 services/week

If you're having a rough week or ready to do some major introspective work and you attend 5 floats or cave sessions in a week, we'll reward you with a big pile of points.



20 services/year

Keep the self-care going all year, and if you attend at least 20 floats or salt cave sessions, we'll load ya up.



40 services/year

Become a Salt Master with at least 40 salt cave sessions or floats, and you'll earn another monster bucket of points, on top of what you've earned already.



20 services/year

Keep the self-care going all year, and if you attend at least 20 floats or salt cave sessions, we'll load ya up.



Flex 2 membership

Become a Flex Member with 2 credits per month, and we'll say thanks with the sound of points.



Flex 3 membership

If you love the salt water AND the salty treehouse of our cave, you can roll around in the points.



Flex 4 membership

Not only do you get to mix and match your salty time, we'll gather some more points for you to hold.



Write a review

You'll receive an email after your visit. If you write a review for us on Wellnesss Living, you'll hear that ca-ching of more points.



And more!

We'll continue to add other ways to earn points, but if we listed them all here, you'd never get to enjoy that salty goodness!

Redeeming for Prizes

You can use the app or your online profile to redeem some prizes, and some may require you to contact us. Below is a list of all the goodies for which you can use those glorious points you've been earning.​



$5 off

any float or salt cave session



make it 90

add 15 minutes to your next float



sukhino shirt

we'll make a shirt just for you!



sit in the cave

one free salt cave session, coming right up!



float in the tank

one free float, just for your awesomeness!



$50 to your favorite charity

We'll donate to a local non-profit of your choice, in your name.

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